Hi, I’m Teri Ann King.
My name is Teresa Ann King and it’s great to connect with you (Teri). Thanks for receiving my invitation to learn about me, the things I love, the life I live, and the life that I intend to live with an amazing partner who can be The King of my reality.
While I’m a multidimensional person with many passions and pursuits that I’m inspired by, at the heart of I’m in a point in my life where I finally feel like I am The Queen of my reality and that I am creating something very special with my life, one intentional step at a time.
Life is such a Gift to be received, cultivated, and Shared.
I am enjoying life in many lovely ways and learning and growing all the time to become my higher self and live my post purposeful life with those that I love. Everything I focus on and everything I do is all so I can create something really next level in my world, be an exceptional role model for my family, and become the most intentional partner I can be for my partner.
I’m totally invested in self improvement, stewarding my loving family (my princes and princesses) into a great new phase of our destiny, and making a transformative partnership with a noble and kingly man who wants to create a blissful life with me full of intimacy, exploration, and vitality for living the great life.
This moment in time is here to be my greatest chapter yet...
Striving towards a better me, A Better We, and a Better World.
I’m the queen of research and learning new ways to to see things, new ways to grow, and new ways to create my reality more intentionally with each day. I’m always seeking to make an upgrade on myself that has a positive ripple effect on my family, our community, and the world.
Both myself and my family have grown and changed a lot, and I know with continual growth and our purposeful intentions we are creating a better reality and elevating our family into its next level of potential.
I’m excited to have new things I’m learning about how to be a more intentional person, create from very purposeful priorities, and to invest in my own growth, the growth of my family’s success, and into a whole capacity for building a truly blissful, vital, and inspirational partnership with a highly intentional man.
appreciation for my history & Desire For a greater destiny.
It’s been a wonderful life so far where I’ve learned, grown, and experienced so many things I have always wanted to do and built things I’ve wanted to create…and now my focus is on making things even better than they’ve ever been.
I’m gearing up for a great phase of my life and “having it all” this go round and doing what is empowering as I seek out and cultivate a power couple partnership with special “somebody.” In my second half of life with so much experience and wisdom uplifting me, it’s a second chance at a great love, and a whole new purposeful reality. A reality full of elevated experiences, healthy connection, and a relationship of mutual inspiration.
Now is my time. Now is A time for A great Love…
The Truth is that I am just getting started…
Prioritizing pleasure, leisure & fulfilling desires like Dancing
I am fortunate after a lifetime of devotion to my family and community that I can put the focus on things that bring me even more pleasure at this stage of my life and where I can fulfill life long desires that I’ve always had, like learning ballroom dancing and challenging myself to do the things I’ve always wanted to do…
Along with owning a home and all the responsibilities that come with it, I love hosting my family at my home to keep us more connected and closer together, and inviting great friends over to spend quality time doing leisurely things together. I love having people over and making time for fun and entertainment. Whether learning to dance or watching a thought provoking documentary, I keep evolving and refining my capacity for enjoyment.
from raising a Family to building a dynasty & a legacy.
I’m so proud of my family and all that we’ve accomplished as individuals and a family so far. At the same time the more wisdom I grow the more I can see how much stronger we can be with a shared purpose of living our purpose as a family and our full potential as a dynasty of successful people who concrete our family and elevate it to what it can be.
I am so grateful for the success that we’ve achieved in my family and I’m also aware of how much greater we can be and how I can set the tone for this most importantly, along with the importance of having a great relationship with a partner that is as ambitious as I am. Ambitious for building a partnership, joining our lives and being a couple that inspires each of our families to new heights as a result.